Manual Osteopathy

Osteopathic manual therapy is a manual based therapy which includes an array of different modalities such has myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation and muscle energy. Based on the premise that the body is a self- regulating unit, the goal of this type of bodywork is to allow the body to return to proper functionality by removing inertia within the system. This is ... Read More

Osteopathic manual therapy is a manual based therapy which includes
an array of different modalities such has myofascial release,
craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation and muscle energy. Based on the premise that the body is a self-
regulating unit, the goal of this type of bodywork is to allow the body
to return to proper functionality by removing inertia within the system.
This is done with subtle, minute manipulations from the therapist to
entice a healing response from the body. As a holistic therapy, this
approach takes into consideration the history of traumas and their
effect on the client’s resiliency, yielding a unique perspective on the
symptoms. By tapping into the client’s homeostasis potential, the
comprehensive bodyworker guides the body toward an increase in
resiliency and a reduction of symptoms. Comprehensive bodywork
can be an efficient means to reduce acute and chronic
musculoskeletal symptoms. It can also be used to gain better function
in healthy clients with objectives ranging from athletic performance to
common daily activities.

Alexis is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. He graduated with a D.Sc.O. with honors from the Canadian College of Osteopathy of Montreal and began practicing Osteopathy in 2012 when he co-founded the Clinique Intégrative d’Ostéopathie in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. Alexis was first exposed to the benefits of Osteopathy as a performance athlete.

He has completed a wide variety of post-graduate certifications, including but not limited to Endo-cranial Spasms, Biodynamics, Meta-Osteopathy, Seated-Facet Release Techniques and Structured Functional Adjustments. His extensive training has helped him develop a unique approach to Osteopathy. Prior to his training in Osteopathy, he spent over a decade as a professional ballet dancer in Europe, where he performed in France, Switzerland and Germany. In Colorado where he practiced for 3 years, he teamed up with a concussion and traumatic brain injuries team of experts.

Having recently relocated to Squamish from Boulder, he is thrilled to be working with a new team at Fluid Motion. As a holistic therapist, he avoids focusing solely on symptoms and instead directs his attention to the entire system, using mainly manual bodywork as an Osteopathic practitioner to promote the body’s capacity to restore itself to health. He approaches each person with the goal of restoring functionality to human mechanics.

Outside of the clinic, he enjoys ultra-trail running and skiing. He is also an avid CrossFit athlete.

Alexis is an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. He graduated with a D.Sc.O. with honors from the Ca... Read More

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